
Who we are & What we do

성적지향․성별정체성 법정책연구회 2015. 6. 27. 13:08

Homepage: sogilaw.org

E-mail: sogilp.ks@gmail.com

Phone: +82. 0505.300.0517

Fax: +82. 02.363.5856

SNS www.facebook.com/sogilaw.org

Address: 1/F Human Rights Center Saram, 26 Seongmisan-ro 10-gil (635-9 Seongsan-dong), Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea (postal code: 121-846)

Who we are

The Korean Society of Law and Policy on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) is a group of human rights lawyers and researchers working to advocate LGBTI people, to advance intellectual discussions on SOGI issues, and to bring changes to social and legal policies and systems so as to protect and promote the human rights of LGBTI people in South Korea. Founded in 2011, it has worked on numerous projects including lawsuits for the legal gender recognition of transgender people, survey studies on the lives and needs of LGBTI people and communities, and annual reports on the human rights situation of LGBTI people in South Korea.


What we do


Annual Reports

May 18, 2014 Annual Review 2013: LGBTI Human Rights in South Korea

May 14, 2015 Annual Review 2014: LGBTI Human Rights in South Korea (funded by the Beautiful Foundation)


Survey and Investigation

Jun. 2012-May 2014 South Korean LGBTI Community Social Needs Assessment Survey (sponsored by the Korean Gay Men’s Human Rights Group “Chingusai”)

Jun.-Dec. 2014 An Investigation on Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (joint research with the Human Rights Law Foundation “Gong-Gam”; sponsored by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea)


SOGI Colloquia

1st: “The Legal Requirements for and Issues of Transgender People’s Legal Gender Recognition: With a Focus on the Decision of the Seoul Western District Court, Which Permitted Legal Gender Recognition without Genital Reconstruction” (Jun. 29, 2013)

2nd: “The Meaning and Legal Issues of the Institutionalization of Same-sex Unions” (Aug. 20, 2013)

3rd: “School Violence against LGBT Youths and the Responsibility of Schools: With a Focus on Supreme Court Decision 2013Da203215, 7/26/2013” (Apr. 26, 2014)

4th: “Military Criminal Act and Homosexuality: The Discourse on Homosexuality Surrounding Article 92(6) of the Military Criminal Act and Civil Rights of LGBTI People” (May 21, 2014; jointly sponsored by the Network for Reporting Discrimination and Human Rights Violation against LGBTI in Relation to the Military)


Legal Representation and Advisory Activities

Legal representation in lawsuits involving the legal gender recognition of transgender people (Seoul Western District Court and many others)

Provision of written opinions and advisory services on cases regarding sexual orientation and gender identity (National Human Rights Commission of Korea, etc.)


Solidarity Activities

Rainbow Action against Sexual-Minority Discrimination